Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our next workshop is November 6th and we'll be making three Christmas cards. We'll use the Come to Bethlehem set once again. I got this idea from my upline, Barb Mueller, while up in Erie, PA this month. The wisemen are stamped on glossy cardstock that has been colored using a brayer. After our previous attempts to get a good, clean stamp of the wisemen, you'll agree that this gives the nicest affect so far.
Our second card is a snowflake card embossed with silver and with rhinestones added. This card was created by Bozena and definitely the favorite at our "show-off" table at Camp last week.
The last card isn't quite ready for display yet. We will be using the Merry Crittermas set and it's going to be a pop-up card. Hope to see you at the workshop.